Try all the best restaurants of the world in a culinary odyssey

Cheval Calico House is near many restaurants in London A luxury, British website has created a once-in-a-lifetime epic travel itinerary that will take one couple to all 109, three-Michelin-starred restaurants around the world, for the cool sum of about £ 180,000. It’s a six-month culinary odyssey that will take two people to the world’s top dining addresses across 12 countries, including Lung King Heen in Hong Kong, Sushi Yoshitake in Tokyo, Per Se in New York and Le Meurice in Paris. Created by with HolidaysPlease , participants will sample some of most iconic, famous and avant-garde dishes in contemorary gastronomy, such as “salmon poached in a liquorice gel” at Heston Blumenthal’s The Fat Duck and “pineapple bubbles” at Juan Mari Arzak’s Basque restaurant Arzak. Visits will average one restaurant every other day. According to the Michelin ranking system, restaurants that boast all three stars represent dining destinations which are “worth a ...