Time is most definitely money

We all know time is money especially when staying in a busy metropolis. Cue ‘Ziferblat’, an eccentric pay per minute café experience offering free coffee and wifi in exchange for a mere five pence per minute. The quirky East London café obscurely named after ‘clock face’ in Russian, requires guests to borrow an eclectically quaint alarm clock, take note of arrival time and set the alarm for the desired ‘clock out’ time before paying their pennies on exit. Seen as a social experiment, ‘Ziferblat’ aims to build a community of people who want to use their space ‘to create something interesting’, allowing customers to do whatever they like as long as they respect the building and the people within it. Consumers are encouraged to be themselves; to work, to create art, to read or to get acquainted with likeminded people. The café aims to be a home away from home just like us at Cheval Residences with each visitor devel...