Marshall Pop-up Store with exclusive offers and acoustic sessions

Marshall is a brand born for the Music. Created in the early 1960s by Jim Marshall who, by request from young guitarists Pete Townshend and Richie Blackmore, started selling guitar equipment in his drum store. Amplifiers and headphones also made part of the success of the brand, who understood the needs and expectations of the real music lovers.

To show off their products, Marshall is opening a pop-up store in the Mod_ular Blanc space in the Ben Sherman store in Commercial Street. 

With more than just the products to show, the visitors will be received with live acoustic sessions, exhibitions of rock'n'roll ephemera and exclusive pre-Christmas offers.

The Marshall pop-up store will be in the Mod_ular Blanc space until January 3rd 2013, from 11h to 19h (monday to saturday) and from 10h30 to 18h (sunday).

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